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Europa in Movimento

| Verso un'Europa federale e solidale

Mauro Biani 2013, Tracce migranti, Altrinformazione

From the organizations and individuals promoting the appeal  "Without a humane migration policy and a federal Europe there is no future" (EN | IT | FR | ES | DE | PL)

To the members of the European Parliament.


Dear member of the European Parliament,

as we are writing these lines once more a massacre is perpetrating in the Mediterranean Sea. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the migrants dead in the shipwrecks of these last days off the coast of Lybia could be more than 1000 including dozens of children. So far this year 2,500 people have lost their lives in the Mediterranean. These are frightening figures that make it increasingly urgent an EU intervention. Faced with the transformation of the Mediterranean into a graveyard and the ineffectiveness of European policies, we can not remain indifferent.

For this reason, we would herewith draw your attention to the appeal "Without a humane migration policy and a federal Europe there is no future", launched on April 6th by "Europa in movimento", a group that has taken up and shared - together with sixty European organizations representing associations working for refugees and migrants rights - the open letter written by the young European federalists of Pescara, which denounces the agreement between the EU and Turkey considered illegal from several points of viewThe signatories criticize the fact of having granted Turkey the status of "first country of asylum" and deem questionable its status of "safe third country" for asylum seekers not from Syria. Amnesty International published on June 3rd the report “No safe refuge: asylum seekers and refugees denied effective protection in Turkey” that confirms our assumptions and affirms the EU-Turkey deal is illegal.

The promoters of the appeal ask to transform Triton into a "European Mare Nostrum", to stop Schengen suspension, to create safe and legal entry channels for the tens of thousands people every day crowding rafts and border posts to pursue the dream of a better life and to increase the European budget own resources, as also the promoters of the New Deal for Europe petition demand (see

In addition, the international agreement signed on March 18th entails obligations for Turkey, for the Union and for the Member States, which are not in keeping with the procedure scheduled in the Treaties, as it violates the prerogatives not only of the European Parliament, but also of national Parliaments, that only under the usual procedures agreed by the Treaties see the possiblity of an effective intervention on the respective Government and preserved the division of powers as provided for in the Treaties.

The appeal is addressed to European institutions (Commission and Council) asking them to work together to make actually applicable the migrant relocation mechanism and to extend it to other categories not yet considered. This mechanism should be compulsory and provided with an appropriate system of penalties for States that not fulfill their reception commitment. It is also necessary to strengthen the competence of the Union in order to create a real reception and asylum system.

The way ahead is not simple and requires the strong support of the European citizens, the civil society associations and the European political forces starting with the European Parliament, the European institution that is closest to the citizens. That is why we ask you to sign the appeal "Without a humane migration policy and a federal Europe there is no future" and to carry out the requests contained in it and to forward proposals to make real progress towards a federal Europe, the only project that will allow us to face the great challenges of the XXI century.

June 4, 2016

Europa in movimento. 

- Link to the appeal in English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Polish: 

[EN] Appeal "Without a humane migration policy and a federal Europe there is no future"

[IT] Appello "Senza una politica migratoria umana ed un'Europa federale non c'è futuro"

[DE] Appell “Ohne eine humane Migrationspolitik und ein foederales Europa gibt es keine Zukunft”

[FR] Appel "Sans une politique migratoire humaine et sans une Europe fédérale, il n’y a pas d’avenir"

[ES] Peticion "Sin una politica migratoria humana y una Europa federal ho hay futuro"

[PL] Apel "Bez ludzkiej polityki migracyjnej i bez Europy federalistycznej nie ma przyszłości"

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